It's Bloggy Giveaway Time Again!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

Welcome to The Baby Boutique Blog! This is my spot for connecting with fans of my baby boutique, featuring great new products I've added, sharing helpful articles and tips for moms of little ones, and often we have giveaways!

I have one goodie that is free for everybody, and that is a Halloween ebook! Learn more about this here.

This week I am giving away a Belly Hugger!

The Belly Hugger is a very popular item for pregnant and nursing moms. Now that winter is coming I know that you pregnant mommas need a way to keep that baby bump under wraps and snuggly warm. Here is your chance!

The winner will get to choose one Belly Hugger in the size and color of her choice. (See this page to see what I have available)

In order to enter this giveaway, you need to leave me a comment telling me one of your favorite things about being a mom!

Make sure that your comment includes your email address or a link to your blog so I can notify you if you win! I'll be picking a winner probably on Nov. 2. USA addresses only, please. Thanks!

Want to visit my other giveaways? Check 'em out:
Supermom's Health and Wellness Blog: Giving away our most popular item for moms!
Supermom's No-Lice Advice: help for keeping the cooties away!
One Dollar Doggie Adoption: Sharpie marker set!
Supermom's Homeschool: homeschool goodies!


Awesome Mom said...

You get lots of hugs and kisses. This is a great prize!

rebecca said...

I would love this. I hate nursing without a nursing tank top on, and this would help with that!

I love the smiles that are reserved just for me... I love my baby!

gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

Susan W said...

Cool prize - I've heard this type of product is really helpful when you're pregnant and trying to "extend the life" of your "normal" pants. :) Could definitely see how it would be helpful nursing too -thanks!

Anonymous said...

Too many to list! My kids are almost all teenagers, but I miss that time of nursing and bonding. What a blessing it was! My SIL is pregnant, though, and would love this gift!

Sassyfrazz said...

I love the hugs and kisses...and the I love you's~

Of coarse I love the hilarious things they say, too!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway and chance to win!

Christie said...

I love the moments when you see all of your hard work paying off... and when you see the sweetness and innocence in your children's faces.

Trish said...

I love hearing my daughter laugh. It is so contagious.

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

The unexpected hugs and cuddles are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I love the times when we just sit and talk. He's only three so the conversation is usually silly, but I love that one on one time. I'm pregnant and would love to win this.

Wade's World said...

I love kisses and the "lub you Mommy" greetings!!

punkinmama said...

Can I use this to cover up my post-pregnancy belly (2 years later!)??

I love the hugs and kisses and sweet smiles! I love watching my son grow and learn new things everyday! I look at him and can't imagine that I actually helped create him!

Chantelle said...

I absolutely love when ds wakes up in the morning and says Good Morning Mommy very chipper! :) What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Anonymous said...

Falling asleep together. There is no sweeter moment, and all of the day's troubles melt away leaving only the best moments lingering in your mind.

Thanks for the contest!
chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net

frugallm said...

my favorite thing about being a mom is hearing my 3 yr old say I love you mommy!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

The Berni Family said...

I love the random out of the blue times they come up to you just say I LOVE YOU1 So worth all the hard work and sleepless nights! Getting ready for baby #2 and this looks like a great idea!

Jessie said...

I just sat here for a few minutes trying to decide what is the best thing about being a mom but there are so many! My girls have made me love being a mom more that I ever thought that I would. We are having another in March and I am at that chubby 1/2 way point so the Belly Hugger would come in handy right now and afterwards when I start nursing. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Staci A said...

I love seeing my son learning new things or new words, and knowing that I helped teach him. Hugs and kisses and "I love yous" are at the top too! Thanks for the giveaway, these look wonderful!


Ginger said...

I love sweet smiles & sloppy kisses! This product looks great!

shaunjoy said...

Love watching her grow and being a little smarty pants! And of course I love the random hugs and kisses throughout the day. ;)


rccalyn said...

My favorite thing lately: the huge "run-to-hug" from my 2 year old I got after being away for longer than usual! This produce looks neat, especially since I'm expecting my second in February, and nursing will be COLD then!
-Stacy (

Ginny said...

I just love the pride you feel when your kids do something, anything. I love watching them grow, learn new things when that lightbulb goes off for them. It is very rewarding!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

Oh I so Need this! My favorite thing is being able to look at her and think that I could crate something so perfect.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

Linda said...

There are soooo many great things about being a mom but right now the best is... getting a granddaughter! I'd love to win one of these for my daughter. Thanks!
cokelush at gmail

Anonymous said...

I like all the snuggles! Thanks for a chance to win!

jes(at) beautyfromchaos (dot) com

Julie said...

I love when my 1 1/2 year old daughter says "mama". And when she sings "Jesus Loves Me". : )

Kiley said...

How Cool!!!! We live in idaho so we get our fare share of cold weather around here and since my little lady hates to be under a blanket, this will at least help a bit with the modesty part :D

I am a mom of a 5 year old and a 1 year old and the best part about it is that i get to raise them up and teach them about who God is. We do family worship at nights and to watch my 5 year old take it in (as much as he can right now) is such a blessing to me :D

Audra said...

I love the little kisses and snuggles and that when hes upset my little guy wants me and no one else! This is the beesssst nursing invention ever- Especially with a little one who will NOT let me cover us with a blanket or nursing cover!

MikeandCharlsie said...

I love my children's laugh. It brings me so much joy!

Lisa said...

When I am comforting my baby girl when she is sad or hurt and she pats my back and says "It ok"
or when she lays in daddys arms with her thumb in her mouth sleeping.
I would love to have a tummy hugger it would be perfect right now.

Anonymous said...

Being someone's favorite person in the whole world! And what a great prize!

Anonymous said...

baby hugs and kisses are great. i also love all of the laughter that having children brings!

Casey said...

Wow what a great giveaway, I just found out I was pregnant with my second a few weeks ago!!

My favorite thing about being a mom...hmmm. I love when my daughter stares into my eyes and looks at me with complete trust and love. I also love that I get to help mold her into the person she will one day be...a great and awesome responsibility!

Richelle said...

I love making my son laugh!

Mrs. Valente said...

Kisses and cuddles, and watching my kids play together. Great giveaway!

Henry said...

Its so flattering when my daughter imitates me! And a reminder to be a good example!

Anonymous said...

Sloppy wet kisses, and the first time they say, "I wuv oo," un-prompted!

Anonymous said...

Being a mom is something I am still looking forward to...anytime now, Lord! :)

However, I am an Aunt and I love it. I just found out that another niece or nephew is on the way. So, I'd love to win this for my sister-in-law.


Anonymous said...

I love the kisses, hugs, smiles, cuddles, giggles, gifts, and so much more. I love being a mom. :) Thanks for the chance to win one of these. :)


Katie said...

The best thing is the hugs and kisses and I love you. thanks katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Emily said...

My favorite thing about being a mom is watching the daily growth my son goes through.

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

Kristan said...

i love when my girls learn new things and get excited about it! we just put mittens on them and they loved it.

Melissa said...

My favorite thing about being a mommy is pretty much everything! I mean, I'd be happy to have fewer stinky diapers to change and the whole "pushing" thing isn't my favorite (frankly, the whole "pregnancy" thing hasn't been my cup of tea), but the kisses and hugs and "Maaaaamaaaaas" make it all worth while!

Jenn said...

The snuggling is my favourite part!!

Great giveaway, i LOVE these things!

Re said...

i love the unconditional love given and received. There is no greater gift than being a mother to a beautiful child.

Thanks for a generous giveaway. I hope I'm the lucky winner.

Liz said...

I just love knowing that I am the one that makes everything all better. Mommy is the cure for everything and even though it can be exhausting, it is so special! And all of the hugs and kisses are pretty great too!

holli jo said...

I love when he grabs onto my shirt and cuddles me. So cute.

Nissa said...

Hugs and kisses take away all the pains of the day. It doesn't matter how frustrated I've become when I get a little "I love you, Mommy"..

I'm not preggie or nursing, but i could use the belly band to wear underneath all those short shirts I used to be able to wear. Now I can't lift my arms up without showing my non cute tummy!

Rashmi said...

I love the sudden hugs my toddler gives me for no reason other than he felt like it. It brings tears to my eyes sometimes.

Thanks for this great giveaway!
callmeabookworm AT gmail DOT com

the schros said...

I love love love the teaching part- they just soak up so much

Amity said...

Oh my goodness what is not to love about being a mom...I love every single moment and would not trade it for anything. Children are the most precious and wonderful blessings...I would have a dozen if I could :-)

Smellyann said...

Ooh, great idea! I could really use this, even now that I'm no longer nursing, because I'm so freaking fat and my back hurts. Hee! Anyway, I love being a mom, but especially when they are sweet to each other. It's so nice to know I'm raising my babies to be good siblings to each other. It warms my heart. Thanks!

Mrs. Olsen said...

I love it when my daughter laughs at me! I love tickling her! rebolsen (at)

Lindsey said...

I really love waking up in the mornings and running in to my daughter's crib. She usually greets me with a smile. :-) I also love to see her playing quietly in her crib - so sweet!

I really would love one of these bands, thanks so much for the giveaway!

ladyufshalott at

Jenna said...

I am not yet a mom but I hope to be in the next year or so (at least starting a family). I have heard rave reviews about these belly wraps and would like to have one tucked away!

Heidi said...

I love the huge smiles I get when I go to get my son out of the crib.

FaithfulMommy said...

All the sweet kisses & hugs oh & the oh wee's after our kisses.

I need one of these belly huggers!

Lori said...

The way my new Little man cuddles with me at night (not that he can pinch my belly fat with his toes--this would help, though!)


teriannm said...

I love seeing how much my kids love each other!

Sarah said...

i'm currently breastfeeding and could really use one of these! I love hearing my kids laugh.

Katrina said...

I would love to win! I am not a mom yet, but after a recent miscarriage we are trying again! This is something I will definitely be able to use! Thanks!

Susan said...

I would love this! I am expecting my first in April, and I am already loving being a mom because of the deep bond I feel with my baby!

snkjohnson (at) gmail (dot) com

Elizabeth said...

What a cool giveaway! My favorite thing about being a mom is the huge toothless grin that my 3-month-old gives me.

Cindy said...

I'm currently 7 months pregnant with my second and the greatest thing about being a mom is knowing that I get to bring a precious new life into this world.

Ren said...

My favorite thing is kisses. One night, a couple weeks ago, my toddler woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep, so we brought him into bed with us. While I ended up being awake till about 5 a.m., it was so worth it because every half hour or so he would smother me with kisses. It's now my all time favorite memory.

Nanee Plainy said...

I love the smell of freshly bathed babies!

Mia said...

i love the laughter and the sound of their feet running

CanCan said...

I love being a mom because it is so much fun watching my babies turn into real "people" as their personalities emerge!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

It's hard to put into words, but I love waking up each day and seeing her beautiful (and newly smiling) face.

Huse Yo Mama said...

I'm a mom of a not-yet-two year old, so I don't have a ton of experience. But, so far my favorite is hearing "I love you, mommy." Could life really get any better than that!!!?

I'm having a giveaway at my blog, too, if you'd like to enter...kind of goes along with yours!!!

Suzie Williams said...

I'm nursing my son and I get so self conscious of my tummy peeking out! What I love about being a mom is waking up to his big grin every morning. He's such a happy boy.


watching them grow and learn- yep some of mine are grown and gone but knowing I had a hand in it thanks

Anonymous said...

What I love is seeing the world through fresh eyes with a new enthusiasm. It's absolutely contagious!

rlgrady said...

My favorite thing about being a mom is that I can be a superhero in their eyes just for buying granola bars.

rlgrady [at] yahoo [dot] com

Lucy said...

my favorite part is the smiles and cuddling. thanks

lucycontest at

crystal said...

I LOVE to hear the pitter patter of his little feet running through the house with sweet giggles!

Alexia said...

I love having someone to snuggle with :)

Julie said...

My favorite thing about being a mom is watching my son learn new things. It helps me remember to take joy in the small and simple things in life!

Lindsey said...

I love seeing the world through my toddler's eyes. Suddenly all the worries and bad things in the world drop away and we can truly see the beauty that is this planet.

fancyfeet48 said...

I love the kisses, hugs, smiles, cuddles, giggles, gifts

. said...

I love being a mom because I am the only one who knows what my daughter really likes!

Pam's Pride said...

I love EVERYTHING about being a mom!! The funny things they say. The way they look so peaceful when they are sleeping! The way they help and play with each other!

Beth said...

I would get much use of this as a nursing mother. I choose med black. I like having someone(in my case 3 lil someones) dependent on me. If they fall, scared, hungary, ect..I'm the one they rely on most. I kinda feel sorry for my hub because they run to me...kinda.

Adrienne said...

My favorite thing about being is a mom? The grandkids! My daughter is now pregnant with twins and can use some extra belly support (and coverage!).

Anonymous said...

I love those sweet little hands, feet, tummies, and noses! The sounds of laughter, babbling, and cooing. What is there not to love about being a mom!!

daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

Heidi said...

I love seeing the friendships grow between my children. We just welcomed our fifth baby and we allowed our older kids to attend the birth if they wanted. The oldest two did and seeing their expressions as they met their baby brother was priceless. They adore him and I love to see that relationship develop.

Thanks for the chance to win! I'm hthaden at gmail dot com.

miller lawn service said...

One of my favorite things about being a mom (besides all of the fun and hugs and kisses) is that it gives me something to talk about with a lot of different people. Every parent has stories to tell. I love it!

Talina said...

This is a great idea! I have a baby bump to keep warm now...

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about being a mom is the challenge it sometimes is to answer their tough questions!

The Frugal Muse said...

I have always wanted one of these... so thanks for the chance to win! I love being a mom when I get to teach my children something new, and it makes a real difference in their lives.

Unknown said...

There are lots of favorites - but the top two are watching my children learn, grow, and develop! I love that! And the other is the sweet baby smiles and laughs and the toddler kisses. So sweet!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Literary Winner said...

Oh that wrap is awesome!
Anyway, my fave part is the smiles that only a mommy gets.

Anonymous said...

What a great prize! One of my favorite things about being a mom is that you always have a friend around. I always have someone to talk to, give or get loves from, and help me do EVERYTHING ;).

Uncommon Blonde said...

I would love this, I'm not a mom yet but hoping to be pregnant within a few months!

uncommonblonde AT gmail DOT com

Kara said...

Wet baby kisses on my cheeks! (I don't even mind being a human kleenex anymore!) Such sweetness.

Karen said...

My favorite thing, well besides snuggling with my sweet little girl, is looking in her face and seeing her daddy, whom I love so dearly too.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

everything! (well, for now... I know one day we'll hit the I HATE YOU! stage lol)

stormraven at gmail dot com

Emily Jennings said...

Except for days like today, I love being a mom. I love being the main influence on these little people.

I LOVE your giveaway and really want to win...I'm expecting baby #4 in 3 weeks!

redpolkadotsgirl said...

saying, "yes, they are both mine!"

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

I love to hear my children laugh! Please include me in your drawing

Xenia said...

I love being amazed by the things that my 2-year-old can do when it seems like just yesterday she was working on learning to sit up by herself. I love the milestones! Now that I'm having #2 next month, I would definitely love a Belly Hugger!


Anonymous said...

My favorite thing is the smile I get first thing in the morning or after naps. Also, the random kisses. :-)

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

My favorite part of being a mom is watching them grow and learn, baby gurgles, kisses and hugs, little giggles, adoration.

Anonymous said...

I am just holding my 4 day old baby and she having her sleep in my arms is one of the best things! I also love watching my other 3 kids fall in love with her. This prize would be great to hide my belly while I breastfeed.

Heather said...

I love being a mom but I have to say my favorites are the early morning and bed time snuggles!!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Wow, there are WAY too many!! If I had to pick something though I'd have to say their unconditional love (and hearing them say how much they love me)! Being a mom is the most wonderful thing ever!!

Poulsen Family said...

The sticky kisses and giggles!

Anonymous said...

I love when my girls unexpectedly cuddle up with me on the couch and we all take a nap together. So sweet.

mommyjen99 said...

When she smiles at me and her eyes crinkle up

Amanda said...

Every day is always different with two kids!

Nicole said...

What a cool product! I love to hear my children laugh.

Mrs. Sara said...

I'm expecting my first in a month, so I'm not sure what my favorite thing will be after he comes, but for now, my favorite is when he's kicking and rolling, and I sing him a song. He always stops moving, listens to the song, and then resumes kicking when it's over! It's so cute.

Thanks for the giveaway!

saharagreen at gmail dot com

Erica G said...

So far my favorite thing about being a mom is seeing the smile on my 4 month old's face! I love seeing all of her changes. If I won this, I think I may give it to my sister who is pregnant with her first!

babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com

James & Andrea said...

I am at very early stages of motherhood, but I love that I never go a day without my little one kicking inside me reminding me of what is really important in life. Stresses come and go, but loving and caring for my little person living inside me (for the time being) is more important than any of it.

lace said...

I'm not a mom yet but one of my favorite things to do with my nieces is cuddling just before bed time. That sweet time just before they fall asleep.

Lauren said...

I love making my son laugh. He has the best smile!

Brett said...

Well, I'm a dad and I know my wife would really like one of these for our next child. I love being a dad so much that we are already trying for a second after only 6 months.

Lisa said...

I love being part of every day -- seeing them get excited about new discoveries and watching them learn.

simplylisamartin (at) msn (dot) com

Erin said...

Mommyhood is priceless. But, if I HAD to choose, I'd list those sweet 3-year-old explanations for great questions such as, "why our dog poops outside instead of in the potty". Thanks for askin'!

Tori said...

One of my favorite things about being a mom is when my baby looks around with a blank expression but then breaks out into a big grin when she sees me!

Liz said...

I've been looking for these. Seriously! I am a mom of 2. I have a son who is 19 months and a daughter who is 12 weeks. Nursing in public is always stressful I don't want people to see my back or belly or even the underoos.

I can't name just one thing, but since I have a newborn I love to rock her asleep and see how peaceful she is and content.

Anonymous said...

oo great prize! i hate my gut hanging out while nursing

My favorite part of being a mom is the completely kooky things my kids say and the spontaneous lovin i get

Just A Mom said...

I love seeing life through the eyes of a child, there are so many things I forgot as I got older, but my son puts it all into perspective. I love going to parks and just running around, the simple things. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things about being a mom is tiny little hands holding onto my finger.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and kisses and snuggling.

**Melissa** said...

I'm a soon-to-be mom and I have heard the best things about this item. I want it!

Sign me up :-)

(I haven't said anything on my blog about me being pregnant - first trimester - keep it a secret!)

Catey said...

Gosh, there is so much that I love....I guess my favorite would be all of the different milestones. What a privilege to watch them grow and learn! From the first smile and giggle to learning to read and ride a bike... Such great moments!

TheFancyFritter said...

I love waking up to her talk and coo in her crib and the burst of excitement she has when I walk in the room to get her out! :) I love smiles and giggles too! Great prize! I hate the muffin top hanging out while I'm nursing! HAHA!

Yasmine said...

when my son give me hugs for no reason and when my daughter runs up to me to kiss me, thats the best part!

I would love the black in a medium (or a large, i need to go measure myself! LOL)

im in Canada, but i have a US shipping address at my parents hope thats okay
thanks for teh giveaway!


Twincere said...

At the end of a long day,I love to see my kids (there are 5) all piled up & huddled together, fast asleep in dreamy land, looking like angels that love each other so much, even though nearly 20 minutes earlier they were killing each other, LOL!Thanks for the entry and sorry for the run-on-sentences!

Frugal in Virginia said...

I love watching our daughter learn new things. And she is so funny. We laugh harder than ever with her around.

ladymeme123 said...

I love the way my children smile when they see my face light up when I see them walk in the door. I know this makes them feel good, and me too!!

Michelle M. Nebel said...

One of my favorite things is a new development with my two-and-a-half-year-old son: He'll say, "I wuv you, Mama." And I'll say, "I love you too, Jonas!" And then he'll say, "I wuv you too most!" Cracks me up and warms my heart, every.single.time.

I'm pregnant with our second and would LOVE to put the belly hugger to good use!

michelle (dot) nebel @ gmail (dot) com

Salem said...

Hearing some of the tings they come up with "Mom, can you knock over my kitty?" Because it was on the trampoline.


Unknown said...

I'm 14 weeks pregnant after a miscarriage and infertility, and I am jsut so hopeful and excited about being a the best thing that I've done, so far, is watched my baby jump around on the ultrasound. Thanks so much!


Mrs. Nichole J. said...

I am not a mom persay but am hoping I will be soon! Only angel babies. I have been preg and that would of been SOO handy and cool! Thanks so much!

Thanks for the giveaway!

I have a few giveaways to!

Anonymous said...

I love when my children are young and just want to sit in my lap and cuddle.

Mindi said...

When they come up to you and just want to cuddle or give you a kiss. So sweet!

Munchkin Makings said...

My favorite thing about being a mom is all the giggles my two munchkins give me. :)

I would love this...I'm nursing my 4 month old and this would help so much!!

Anonymous said...

Definatly all the "isms" my kid comes up with. Allt he things only he/she could think and say. I love that. And obviously the smiles, cuddles, loves, laughs, and snuggles.

Donna said...

I like to see their smiles.

Becky Avella said...

It is hard to pick one thing about being a mom...I just love it when they first wake up in the morning and are still half awake and want to cuddle.

I would love to win this prize. I just had a baby in August and my tummy needs covering up. : )